Tag: Photography Trends 2020

April 16, 2020
Photography Trends 2020

As we live in the 21st century, it is crucial to make sure that we follow the trends of our industry. Me, as a headshot photographer in Los Angeles who takes affordable headshots, I always try to catch up with everything new that happens in the world. This helps to develop my skills and provide quality products to my clients. Clients always look for something unique and fresh, and they want to have pictures that are one-of-a-kind. And the job of a photographer is not only to press the shutter button but also to make their imagination a reality and be creative with it.

Following photography, trends help you to be one step ahead from others and please your clients. It may seem that headshot rates in Los Angeles are relatively high, and one of the main reasons to explain this is that headshot photographers in Los Angeles always do their best to provide the best results. So, to have high demand in this industry, you have to be aware of photography trends and be able to use them in your profession. In this article, I will introduce to you the main photography trends of 2020. 

1. Vibrant Colors 

Pictures with bright colors help to grab the attention of people. Today, vibrant colors remain one of the main photography trends. As I am a headshot photographer in Los Angeles, I always try to make not only trendy but also natural pictures. And sometimes, it may seem that vibrant colors are making a fake effect. But believe me, if you are doing it with style, it will catch an eye. If you are taking pictures of a client, at first, you will decide the style of pictures and then proceed to the photoshoot. If they like such kind pictures with bright tones, then I am sure you will have a lot of room to play with bright colors. When clients hire a photographer in Los Angeles to do photoshoots, they usually want to rely on their skills, and they want to trust the photographer’s sense of style. So don’t be afraid to experiment with vibrant colors. They are among photography trends in 2020.

2. Minimalistic Style 

Minimalism is always in photography trends in 2020. One of the greatest things about minimalism is that sometimes it can transform more meaning and feelings to the viewer than other pictures. Minimalistic pictures are always very compelling. It helps to focus on a specific object, and with the help of it, you, as a headshot photographer in Los Angeles, will be able to capture both emotions and meaning. Transforming some kind of idea or deep meaning through pictures is one of the hardest jobs of a photographer. Of course, it may not be simple at first, but as you master, you will notice that you enjoy taking minimalistic pictures. Especially when you are taking affordable headshots or fashion pictures, minimalistic style can create unique results. Right now, there are a lot of apps and tools which make pictures look overdone and not very appealing. So minimalistic style will make your pictures stand out.

3. Nostalgic Style

Especially nowadays, the vintage style is very trendy. Many people want their pictures to be in that style because it helps to have not ordinary pictures. The style of the 60s or 70s is very famous among clients. Also, this gives room for a lot of creativity. As a headshot photographer in Los Angeles, I know that this will give you a lot of ideas. And also, there are a lot of different effects and tools which help to create nostalgic pictures.

For example, an effortless way to create a nostalgic style is the black and white effect. It immediately creates a vintage mood, and a little bit of creativity with clothes and background will create a total nostalgic style picture. It would also be interesting to mix vintage style with the modern style. If you do this moderately then, I am sure you will create one of a kind pictures.

4. Ecology

Right now, one of the main issues that the world faces is connected with ecology. Many headshot photographers in Los Angeles are trying to raise this issue with their pictures. And actually, they are very successful in raising awareness of such important problems. This became a photography trend in recent years, and many companies hire photographers in Los Angeles to take pictures for environmental projects. This helped to spread information to the whole world, and step-by-step make changes. One of the roles of photographers is not only to take pictures of different people but also help to raise issues through photography. And sometimes visuals can make more impact than anything else. So, another photography trends in 2020 is to choose some issues connected to ecology (and not only) and try to raise awareness about it through your art.

5. Symbolism

Symbolism is one of the most interesting and at the same time most significant or powerful tools in photography. Symbols help to transform a vast meaning, and photographers can experiment with it in different ways. This gives an opportunity to the headshot photographer in Los Angeles to express their thoughts and deep ideas in one picture. This is one of the most exciting photography trends, and the result can be exciting. I will highly recommend you to explore symbols and symbolism. It will help in the process of taking affordable headshots, and also it will be easier for you to make one-of-a-kind pictures. You just need to make your ideas into reality. Maybe you will work on one image longer than you did while you were taking pictures in other styles, but I want to assure you that it’s worth it. Here is a small video which can be a guide for you in understanding what symbolism is, if you don’t know much about it yet.  

6. Unusual Beauty and Raw Shots 

Especially in recent years, this photography trend started to gain popularity, and it is not losing its power until today. Nowadays, natural and unusual beauty is very much appreciated, and headshot photographers in Los Angeles are trying to include such kind of beauty in their photoshoots. This trend has shaped the industry, and now people are valuing natural beauty. Try to experiment with non-traditional things, and in the process, you will fall in love with what you do. This may be helpful while doing affordable headshots because nowadays, people hire photographers in Los Angeles to have pictures that show their real beauty without any additional attribute. This will be trendy for a long time because people are starting to value natural beauty more and more. 

7. 360 Photography Style

360 photography is one of the most exciting photography trends in 2020. This trend is especially beneficial for some kind of product photography. As the name tells, with the help of this technique, you will be able to capture the full product. These types of pictures are more appealing to customers. In addition to this, with the help of 360 photography, you can take magnificent pictures of different landscapes, buildings, or interiors. For example, if your client wants to take a picture of the room, you can use this helpful technique to show the room entirely. There are a lot of tools and technological updates that help to create such kinds of pictures. And also, it is always fun to experiment with new ideas and see how it changes the appearance of different objects, landscapes, etc. Here are a couple of unique locations in Los Angeles where you can try the 360 photography technique. 

8. Neon Lights

Neon has become widely popular, especially in the past couple of years. Clothing, neon objects, hair color is very much trendy right now. If you want your pictures to be famous or well-known to many people, I highly recommend you to use neon lights, colors or attributes in the photoshoot process. If you take affordable headshots in a neon-themed way, then definitely, you will have different results. Ultraviolet lights can make your pictures even more impressive and give it some kind of a vibe.

To make your pictures even more surprising, I recommend you to take photos at night. Because in the darkness, neon lights look more beautiful. For example, you can take a picture of an empty street and add neon lights to it. If you use neon lights correctly while taking affordable headshots, it will create a youthful atmosphere. And many people will like the energy that the atmosphere transforms.

9. Film Style Photography

It is exciting to notice how fast the film style photography trend is growing. As technology is upgrading a lot of new digital cameras are being introduced to the world. And every photographer tries to have the best camera. But even in the 21st century, many manufacturers are introducing film cameras. Today there are a lot of apps that provide many filters to create quick film style pictures. And even the most modern image can be transformed with the help of these filters. But the quality that film cameras make will not be comparable to any kind of filter. Of course, both film photography and digital photography create magnificent pictures, but for a professional headshot photographer, it is crucial to be a master of these both. 

10. Including All Ages

People of every age are beautiful and interesting. For every photographer, it is vital to make sure that with their pictures, they can capture the beauty of everyone and show their character. Many companies want to engage in their campaigns for people of different ages. This is part of the marketing activities because they want to show that their product or service is for everyone. The work of photographers is to show the real beauty of every age, and most importantly, demonstrate how the picture can be changed, when the age of a person changes. This idea is one of the essential concepts, which is very trendy now. For every photographer, it is important to include diversity in their pictures. Experimenting with ages is a great way to show creativity in work and help people to feel comfortable at any age. Photography can make a massive change in how people see themselves. So, as a photographer, you can make a positive impact on people. 

11. Showing Emotions

Emotions are one of the best friends of real and beautiful pictures. Headshot photographers in Los Angeles always encourage their models to show real emotions as much as they can. Firstly this helps to create a great working atmosphere, and secondly, this allows taking honest pictures. If you can successfully show the raw and real emotions of your client, then I am sure they will be very pleased, and your pictures will be very trendy. Encourage your clients to show their emotions and, at the same time, quickly take pictures of everything that they try to explain. You will get a lot of great pictures, and at the end of the photoshoot, you will not be able to choose which one is better. And, you will notice that at the end of the photoshoot, both you and your client enjoyed the process, and this is one of the most important parts.

As a Conclusion…


If you want to be a successful photographer, then it is crucial to make sure that you follow all the photography trends. As you may understand, some of those trends are not changing in years, but with every year at least one new trend shows up. Develop your skills and, at the same time, follow the trends and use them. You can even create your style or trend, and if it is good enough, I am sure it will become famous among different photographers.

One of the greatest advantages of the industry is that there are no specific rules. Your biggest skill is your imagination, and you should decide how you must use it. If you are a professional photographer and enjoy your job, then I am sure you will be successful in utilizing every photography trend in your photoshoots. Be curious and explore your industry as much as you can.

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