It is fall already, and everybody is counting down the days until Halloween. All of us plan our Halloween day long before the event; what costume are we going to wear? What makeup are we going to put on? Where are we going to celebrate the day? And what Halloween photo session ideas do you have in mind? As a professional photographer in Los Angeles, I came up with cool ideas for a Halloween photo session in Los Angeles. A photo session is going to be the best part of Halloween as it will give you memories about this year’s Halloween. So, follow the tips below, and you will have wonderful and memorable photos at Halloween.
First of all, you should start thinking about a specific theme for your Halloween photo session. It is boring, just take photos in a specific costume. Instead, you can select something entirely new and original. Choose a format with appropriate decorations and costume, and ask your professional photographer to immortalize those scenes. Here you can find some recommendations by professional headshot photographers in Los Angeles.
1. Silhouettes
Choosing the theme of silhouettes is a terrific method of creating a special mood. The silhouette is usually connected to drama and mystery, which is extremely typical to Halloween. Most importantly, silhouettes will be an eye-catching idea thanks to its creativity. Therefore, taking silhouette pictures at a Halloween will provide you with striking images with no similar ones around.

Silhouette photos will stand out as, despite being simple, they make an impression that they convey a big story. They do not give a true picture, and they leave the viewer to imagine. This theme of a Halloween photo session will also be a nice experience for a Los Angeles photographer.
2. Decades
Halloween does not only mean scary costumes, witches, monsters, and zombies. You can have a great photoshoot choosing the theme of decades. This is a theme that contains so much history and can provide you with the opportunity to get a photo similar to none. A photoshoot in a retro environment by our photographer in Los Angeles is a wonderful idea. The range of things you may do is massive.

First, pick a specific period. It may be the 20s with roaring Gatsby styled costumes. Renting decorations of the period, you can get fantastic images of this era for Halloween. You can also get great photos, as this is a theme that may be used for other events as well.
Maybe 50s? Post World War America. New fashion, new trends, and freedom. A good tip for this period is to put on a short hair wig and the costume of Pan American stewardess. There is nothing better that can describe the era, and it is such a unique idea for a Halloween photoshoot in Los Angeles.
The groovy 70s is another idea for the decades’ theme. Why not do something counterculture? Do your own “Once upon a time in Hollywood” incorporation dressing up into a hippie. Isn’t it original for a Halloween photo session?
You can go further on and choose the radical 80s and the trendy 90s for your new photoshoot. Whichever you go for, you will get a fantastic headshot and an exciting photo session.
3. Wild West
Another way to have a real Halloween photo session without a scary element. Set background with whiskey, bites, and some saloon decor in the studio.

Your costume should obviously have the cowboy style. Put on cowboy boots, a belt, and a hat. Take a gun and imagine you are in the wild, Texas. Have fun, and your LA professional photographer will spot your emotions and give you natural pictures. This is a theme that will never be out of style.
4. Zombie Apocalypse
Do you still want something scary for your Halloween photo session? Alright, let’s do this. Zombie Apocalypse is a theme for you. “The Walking Dead” will always be a beloved topic, and why not have a photo session about it? Good costume and realistic makeup are essential for this theme.

So, go on; put on your scary costume, bloody teeth, long nails, and a knife somewhere in your head. Get a studio headshot after scaring your photographer!
5. Haunted House
And of course, what Halloween without a haunted house? This is a classic Halloween theme, which the public always accepts. It is worth having a Halloween photo session with the theme of a haunted house at least once. The creepy factor is never redundant at Halloween.

Put the accent on decorations. Decorate the studio or your home with wax candles, sticky cobwebs, eerie potion bottles, and glass domes. You can get a photo shoot with each of them in your hands and also a set of photos with various grimaces. The costume variants may range from witches and ghosts to inadequate scientists.
As you can see, there are many ways to get a non-cliche photo session by a professional photographer in Los Angeles. Get inspired by the suggestions you read above and think outside the box!
Halloween is a perfect opportunity to become the movie characters you really like. It is a quite popular experience to dress up into movie heroes at Halloween. However, have you ever thought about incorporating this idea into a photo session? For a Halloween photo session by a professional photographer in Los Angeles, you can dress up into numerous movie characters and get headshots with all of them. It is your choice and your preference, but here are some interesting ideas of movie characters.
1. Mathilda from “Leon: The Professional”

Mathilda is one of the most beloved characters in the whole cinematic history. A 12-year-old girl with such an emotional story. The best part about choosing her as a Halloween character is that it is very easy to dress up into her. Just a striped shirt, a short hair wig, red beret, and you are ready!
2. Leeloo from “The 5th Element”

Another favorite movie character. Everybody in the world has seen the movie and knows who Leeloo is; a very significant aspect of getting a movie-themed Halloween photoshoot. Dressing up into Leeloo is also extremely easy. You can rent her white costume or just make it yourself. Don’t forget about the orange wig. This is it; you are already Leeloo.
3. Sarah Connor from “The Terminator”

What a Halloween photo session without a brutal lady? A black shirt, wide trousers, tied hair, and a gun. Perfect! Your costume already says everything. Also, think about taking a pair of photos with the Terminator himself!
4. Katniss Everdeen from “The Hunger Games”

Some childhood is also a cool idea for your Halloween photo session in Los Angeles. Everybody will surely accept the beloved heroine and appreciate your choice. Tide your hair and get some arrows, and do not forget about decorations.
5. Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow from the “MCU”

A female superhero is a worthy thing! Black Widow is a symbolic character for girls as she is the representation of strength and courage. Besides, her tight black costume and ginger hair will be phenomenal for a Halloween photo session.
6. Rocky Balboa from “Rocky”

A life-changing character of the 20th century. A role model for many young boys in the world. Isn’t he worthy of dressing up into for a Halloween photoshoot? Nobody can resist the iconic red sweatband. Just get one, put it on your head, and you are Rocky!
7. Elia Codogno from “The Taming of the Scoundrel”

Epochal Adriano Celentano as an obnoxious man who hates everybody in the world. At the same time, a worthy man, you can pretend to be at your Halloween photo session. What you need is just a short-sleeve vinous shirt and a necklace, and everybody will recognize your Halloween photos.
8. Jules Winnfield from “Pulp Fiction”

What discussions about movies without Quentin Tarantino? You should absolutely take someone from Tarantino movies and dress up into for a Halloween photo session in Los Angeles. The best decision will probably be Samuel Jackson’s Jules Winnfield. Curly dark hair and a gun; this is what you need!
9. The Joker

Incorporating the best movie character of 2019 at Halloween is a wonderful idea. The Joker is not only an icon in the movie history but also a character who completely corresponds to the idea of Halloween. Get either a purple or a red costume for a photo session corresponding to Heath Ledger’s or Joaquin Phoenix’s characters, respectively.
Choosing the idea of movie characters for your Halloween photo session by a professional photographer in Los Angeles is an exclusive idea. The characters that I listed above will not require much preparation and costume work. You can easily put one on, get headshots, and then dress up into the other. This way, you will have Halloween photos of 6 or more famous movie characters for flipbooks.
For special themes and movie characters, it is very important to think about decorations. Even if you are getting headshots, don’t forget that it is Halloween. Decorations will saturate your photos and create a mood for your Halloween photo session in Los Angeles. Below you can find some original ideas for decorations for your photo session.
Props are what creates a Halloween atmosphere at a party or for photo shoot. Depending on your theme choice, get some props that correspond to your character, and start your photo session. You will seem much more interesting with these figures surrounding you. Remember, Captain America is not Captain America without his shield. So, renting a shield will be a nice idea in case you chose to be Cap. You can find numerous props for rent around you, and you may consult your professional photographer in Los Angeles.
What Halloween without pumpkins? It is probably impossible to imagine a Halloween party without pumpkins. For your photo session by a professional photographer, pumpkins should be part of your decorations. Regardless of what your theme is, pumpkins will never be unnecessary.

Even if you decided to dress up into movie characters for a Halloween photo session, you could still include some pumpkins, as they create a Halloween atmosphere. Moreover, you can do with pumpkins whatever you want. You can make pumpkins with different grimaces by yourself or buy them online.
Funko Figures
Funko figures of different movie characters have become very popular recently. Therefore, why not be original and use them for a Halloween photo session in Los Angeles? As a professional photographer, I can certainly tell that your photo session with funko figures will have no similar. Imagine yourself in the costume of the Joker positioning with some little jokers next to you. Also, you can dress up into Black Widow and get headshots with smaller Marvel characters in the form of Funko Figures. You can find Funkos for any movie character you wish to be.
Spiders and Webs
Another perfect decoration for a Halloween photo shoot. Especially if you chose the theme of silhouettes, professional photographers in Los Angeles would recommend getting spiders web decorations. The traditional haunted house theme also strives for this kind of decorations. Spiders and webs will enrich your Halloween photos. Finally, above all, spiders and webs are just cool additions to any type of Halloween photo shoot.
Undoubtedly, the location of your Halloween photo shoot is extremely important. Do you plan to get studio headshots or a photo session somewhere outside? The location has the ability to make your photoshoot wonderful or destroy it completely. This is why Los Angeles headshot photographers recommend choosing the location carefully. Here you can find some special paid and free locations for a Halloween photo shoot.
Halloween is a fantastic holiday, and you should memorize every single Halloween you celebrated. Getting photo sessions by a Los Angeles, headshot photographer is a fun activity that will help you collect memories. However, try to be unique and get photos with specific themes each time. For this year’s Halloween, you can pick the idea that you like the most and contact me – your professional photographer.